14.11.12, RNA Lecture Series starts Monday 19th November 2012

The new RNA Lecture Series consists of 13 talks from invited guest speakers and is held on 3 days: 19th Nov., 14th Jan., and 21st Jan. 2013. (PhD and Master students can register via MedCampus and UniVis to receive 2 ECTS credits for participation.). You can download the schedule from our download area or read it below.

Monday 19th November (IMP lecture hall):

09:00 – 10:30: Johannes Grillari (BoKu Vienna): miRNAs in biomedical age research

10:45 – 12:15: Marc Bühler (FMI, Switzerland): ncRNA function in the nucleus: lessons learned from fission yeast

14:00 – 15:30: Javier Martinez (IMBA Vienna): Splicing RNAs without spliceosomes

15:45 – 17:15: Gunter Meister (Univ. Regensburg): Biochemistry of small RNAs


Monday 14th January 2013 (IMBA lecture hall):

Marcel Scheideler (TU Graz): microRNAs in Obesity and Diabetes

Norbet Polacek (Univ. Bern): Molecular insight into Ribosome functions and translational control

Jonathan Chubb (Univ. London): Imaging nascent RNA in living cells

Denise Barlow (CeMM Vienna): Imprinted gene silencing by macro lncRNA transcriptional interference

Daniel N. Wilson (LMU Munich): The eukaryotic ribosome: structure, function and evolution


Monday 21st january 2013 (IMBA lecture hall):

Frédéric Allain (ETH Zürich): Protein-RNA interaction

Joost Gribnau (Erasmus MC): Xist action

Francoise Stutz (Univ. Geneva): Antisense transcription and gene silencing in yeast

Edouard Bertrand (IGMM Montpellier): Transport and localization of RNA