What we offer
The idea of a thematically focused doctoral programme in RNA Biology was first reviewed and accepted by the FWF The Austrian Science Fund in 2007 and additionally supported by the Medical University of Vienna and the University of Vienna. Based at MFPL on the Vienna Biocenter Campus we offer state of the art research facilities and the international scientific community for fruitful and thriving discussions.
The Doktoratskolleg (DK) RNA Biology offers its PhD students various support on the way of becoming independent researchers. Some of the tools to pursue this are:
PhD Advisory Committee: You choose your PhD committee (3 – 4 members) best suited to your project and arrange a meeting once per year.
Monthly RNA Tuesday Meetings: Our regular meetings in a new format:
Once a month on a Tuesday afternoon the entire Vienna RNA community, faculty as well as students and postdocs, come together for a little symposium-like meeting:
With thriving discussions on the newest RNA topics after presentations of ongoing work by several RNA PhD students or SFB RNA-REG postdocs from difference groups and a faculty member giving an broader overview of the research in his group. And every meeting ends up with some refreshments and a light dinner to follow up the scientific discussions also in a more informal manner.
Travel Money for your participation at international conferences and workshops.
Annual DK RNA Biology Retreat: All RNA groupleaders, all RNA PhD students, some RNA postdocs, and special guests in the countryside for 3 days: talks, posters, discussions, good food, fresh air, and fun.
Soft Skill Courses e.g. Communication, Presentation and Project Management: often organized together with the the VDS programme or other doctoral programmes based at MFPL.
MFPL German Course: each semester we offer a 10-week-course held on campus 2 evenings per week.
MFPL Sports Activities: basketball, zumba, running, dragonboat cup, football,…
The DK Office where your programme manager will try to help you with whatever issues arise during your life as a PhD student in the DK RNA Biology.