E-mail: michael.jantsch(at)meduniwien.ac.at
Phone: +43 1 40160 37510
Research Group: Jantsch group
Institution: MedUniWien
Full member of the DoktoratsKolleg (DK) RNA Biology since 2007.
Head of the Focus Regulatory RNA (SFB RNA-REG) since February 2015; full member since 2011.
PhD students within/associated to the DK:
Utkarsh Kapoor
Renata Kleinová
DK RNA Biology alumni:
Prajakta Bajad: “Understanding the phenotype of Adar1-deficient mice”
Maja Stulic: “Impact of pre-mRNA editing on Filamin A function”
Mansoureh Tajaddod: “Impact of SINEs on gene expression”
Conny Vesely: “Impact of ADARs on miRNA abundance and sequence”
Silpi Banerjee: “Nuclear Import and substrate recognition by dsRBDs”
Aamira Tariq: “Identification of inhibitors of A to I editing”
For complete list of group members please visit the Jantsch group website.
Our research:
Publications: (since 2007)
A high resolution A-to-I editing map in the mouse identifies editing events controlled by pre-mRNA splicing.
Licht K, Kapoor U, Amman F, Picardi E, Martin D, Bajad P, Jantsch MF.
Genome Res. 2019 Aug 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Dynamic Interactions Between the Genome and an Endogenous Retrovirus: Tirant in Drosophila simulans Wild-Type Strains.
Fablet M, Jacquet A, Rebollo R, Haudry A, Rey C, Salces-Ortiz J, Bajad P, Burlet N, Jantsch MF, Guerreiro MPG, Vieira C.
G3 (Bethesda). 2019 Mar 7;9(3):855-865.
Inosine induces context-dependent recoding and translational stalling.
Licht K, Hartl M, Amman F, Anrather D, Janisiw MP, Jantsch MF.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Jan 10;47(1):3-14.
RNA editing of Filamin A pre-mRNA regulates vascular contraction and diastolic blood pressure.
Jain M, Mann TD, Stulić M, Rao SP, Kirsch A, Pullirsch D, Strobl X, Rath C, Reissig L, Moreth K, Klein-Rodewald T, Bekeredjian R, Gailus-Durner V, Fuchs H, Hrabě de Angelis M, Pablik E, Cimatti L, Martin D, Zinnanti J, Graier WF, Sibilia M, Frank S, Levanon EY, Jantsch MF.
EMBO J. 2018 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Organ-wide profiling in mouse reveals high editing levels of Filamin B mRNA in the musculoskeletal system.
Czermak P, Amman F, Jantsch MF, Cimatti L.
RNA Biol. 2018 Jul 31:1-9. [Epub ahead of print]
Positioning Europe for the EPITRANSCRIPTOMICS challenge.
Jantsch MF, Quattrone A, O’Connell M, Helm M, Frye M, Macias-Gonzales M, Ohman M, Ameres S, Willems L, Fuks F, Oulas A, Vanacova S, Nielsen H, Bousquet-Antonelli C, Motorin Y, Roignant JY, Balatsos N, Dinnyes A, Baranov P, Kelly V, Lamm A, Rechavi G, Pelizzola M, Liepins J, Holodnuka Kholodnyuk I, Zammit V, Ayers D, Drablos F, Dahl JA, Bujnicki J, Jeronimo C, Almeida R, Neagu M, Costache M, Bankovic J, Banovic B, Kyselovic J, Valor LM, Selbert S, Pir P, Demircan T, Cowling V, Schäfer M, Rossmanith W, Lafontaine D, David A, Carre C, Lyko F, Schaffrath R, Schwartz S, Verdel A, Klungland A, Purta E, Timotijevic G, Cardona F, Davalos A, Ballana E, O Carroll D, Ule J, Fray R.
RNA Biol. 2018 May 9:1-3.
Live-cell imaging reveals the dynamics and function of single-telomere TERRA molecules in cancer cells.
Avogaro L, Querido E, Dalachi M, Jantsch MF, Chartrand P, Cusanelli E.
RNA Biol. 2018 Apr 16:1-10.
The Other Face of an Editor: ADAR1 Functions in Editing-Independent Ways.
Licht K, Jantsch MF.
Bioessays. 2017 Nov;39(11).
A to I editing in disease is not fake news.
Bajad P, Jantsch MF, Keegan L, O’Connell M.
RNA Biol. 2017 Sep 2;14(9):1223-1231.
RNA-editing enzymes ADAR1 and ADAR2 coordinately regulate the editing and expression of Ctn RNA.
Anantharaman A, Gholamalamdari O, Khan A, Yoon JH, Jantsch MF, Hartner JC, Gorospe M, Prasanth SG, Prasanth KV.
FEBS Lett. 2017 Sep;591(18):2890-2904.
RNA in Disease and development.
Barta A, Jantsch MF.
RNA Biol. 2017 May 4;14(5):457-459.
Understanding RNA modifications: the promises and technological bottlenecks of the ‘epitranscriptome’.
Schaefer M, Kapoor U, Jantsch MF.
Open Biol. 2017 May;7(5). pii: 170077.
ADAR2 regulates RNA stability by modifying access of decay-promoting RNA-binding proteins.
Anantharaman A, Tripathi V, Khan A, Yoon JH, Singh DK, Gholamalamdari O, Guang S, Ohlson J, Wahlstedt H, Öhman M, Jantsch MF, Conrad NK, Ma J, Gorospe M, Prasanth SG, Prasanth KV.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Apr 20;45(7):4189-4201.
Transcriptome-wide effects of inverted SINEs on gene expression and their impact on RNA polymerase II activity.
Tajaddod M, Tanzer A, Licht K, Wolfinger MT, Badelt S, Huber F, Pusch O, Schopoff S, Janisiw M, Hofacker I, Jantsch MF.
Genome Biol. 2016 Oct 25;17(1):220.
Paraspeckles modulate the intranuclear distribution of paraspeckle-associated Ctn RNA.
Anantharaman A, Jadaliha M, Tripathi V, Nakagawa S, Hirose T, Jantsch MF, Prasanth SG, Prasanth KV.
Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 26;6:34043.
Adenosine to Inosine editing frequency controlled by splicing efficiency.
Licht K, Kapoor U, Mayrhofer E, Jantsch MF.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jul 27;44(13):6398-408.
Rapid and dynamic transcriptome regulation by RNA editing and RNA modifications.
Licht K, Jantsch MF.
J Cell Biol. 2016 Apr 11;213(1):15-22.
The dynamic epitranscriptome: A to I editing modulates genetic information.
Tajaddod M, Jantsch MF, Licht K.
Chromosoma. 2016 Mar;125(1):51-63.
The RNA-editing enzyme ADAR1 controls innate immune responses to RNA.
Mannion NM, Greenwood SM, Young R, Cox S, Brindle J, Read D, Nellåker C, Vesely C, Ponting CP, McLaughlin PJ, Jantsch MF, Dorin J, Adams IR, Scadden AD, Ohman M, Keegan LP, O’Connell MA.
Cell Rep. 2014 Nov 20;9(4):1482-94.
ADAR2 induces reproducible changes in sequence and abundance of mature microRNAs in the mouse brain.
Vesely C, Tauber S, Sedlazeck FJ, Tajaddod M, von Haeseler A, Jantsch MF.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Oct 29;42(19):12155-68.
Drosha protein levels are translationally regulated during Xenopus oocyte maturation.
Muggenhumer D, Vesely C, Nimpf S, Tian N, Yongfeng J, Jantsch MF.
Mol Biol Cell. 2014 Jul 1;25(13):2094-104.
A bimodular nuclear localization signal assembled via an extended double-stranded RNA-binding domain acts as an RNA-sensing signal for transportin 1.
Barraud P, Banerjee S, Mohamed WI, Jantsch MF, Allain FH.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 May 6;111(18):E1852-61.
Spatio-temporal profiling of Filamin A RNA-editing reveals ADAR preferences and high editing levels outside neuronal tissues.
Stulić M, Jantsch MF.
RNA Biol. 2013 Oct;10(10):1611-7.
RNA-interacting proteins act as site-specific repressors of ADAR2-mediated RNA editing and fluctuate upon neuronal stimulation.
Tariq A, Garncarz W, Handl C, Balik A, Pusch O, Jantsch MF.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Feb 1;41(4):2581-93.
A high-throughput screen to identify enhancers of ADAR-mediated RNA-editing.
Garncarz W, Tariq A, Handl C, Pusch O, Jantsch MF.
RNA Biol. 2013 Feb;10(2):192-204.
Adenosine deaminases that act on RNA induce reproducible changes in abundance and sequence of embryonic miRNAs.
Vesely C, Tauber S, Sedlazeck FJ, von Haeseler A, Jantsch MF.
Genome Res. 2012 Aug;22(8):1468-76.
Transcript diversification in the nervous system: a to I RNA editing in CNS function and disease development.
Tariq A, Jantsch MF.
Front Neurosci. 2012 Jul 9;6:99.
A structural determinant required for RNA editing.
Tian N, Yang Y, Sachsenmaier N, Muggenhumer D, Bi J, Waldsich C, Jantsch MF, Jin Y.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jul;39(13):5669-81.
Mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans him-19 show meiotic defects that worsen with age.
Tang L, Machacek T, Mamnun YM, Penkner A, Gloggnitzer J, Wegrostek C, Konrat R, Jantsch MF, Loidl J, Jantsch V.
Mol Biol Cell. 2010 Mar 15;21(6):885-96.
Reaching complexity through RNA editing.
Jantsch MF.
RNA Biol. 2010 Mar-Apr;7(2):191.
Proteome diversification by adenosine to inosine RNA editing.
Pullirsch D, Jantsch MF.
RNA Biol. 2010 Mar-Apr;7(2):205-12.
RNA-regulated interaction of transportin-1 and exportin-5 with the double-stranded RNA-binding domain regulates nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of ADAR1.
Fritz J, Strehblow A, Taschner A, Schopoff S, Pasierbek P, Jantsch MF.
Mol Cell Biol. 2009 Mar;29(6):1487-97.
SINE RNA induces severe developmental defects in Arabidopsis thaliana and interacts with HYL1 (DRB1), a key member of the DCL1 complex.
Pouch-Pélissier MN, Pélissier T, Elmayan T, Vaucheret H, Boko D, Jantsch MF, Deragon JM.
PLoS Genet. 2008 Jun 13;4(6):e1000096.
Specificity of ADAR-mediated RNA editing in newly identified targets.
Riedmann EM, Schopoff S, Hartner JC, Jantsch MF.
RNA. 2008 Jun;14(6):1110-8.
RNA chaperones, RNA annealers and RNA helicases.
Rajkowitsch L, Chen D, Stampfl S, Semrad K, Waldsich C, Mayer O, Jantsch MF, Konrat R, Bläsi U, Schroeder R.
RNA Biol. 2007 Nov;4(3):118-30. Review.
Regulation of glutamate receptor B pre-mRNA splicing by RNA editing.
Schoft VK, Schopoff S, Jantsch MF
Nucleic Acids Res. 2007;35(11):3723-32.