18.6.18, VDS Retreat 2018: Prizes to RNA Biology students!
Congratulations to DK RNA Biology student Tanino Albanese and associated students Elena Galimberti, Lucy Sneezum & Aleksej Drino for winning prizes at this years retreat of the Vienna Doctoral School (VDS) Molecules of Life!
One of the three VDS-Prizes for the Best Talks went to Lucy Sneezum (group Kovarik, SFB RNA-REG) for her lively presentation on “Physiology and mechanism of interleukin-1 signalling regulation by Tristetraprolin”.
Additionally, this year there were two FEBS Journal-sponsored prizes to win. And these went to Elena Galimberti (group Leeb) for her talk “Role of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in the exit from pluripotency” and to Tanino Albanese (group Moll) for his poster “Proteome expansion in Bacteria: from truncated mRNA to truncated proteins”.
Last but not least Aleksej Drino (group Schäfer) won the “VDS Out of the Box Stipend”, a stipend to acquire new tools for curiosity-driven, high-risk experiments, which do not necessarily have to be within the immediate scope of the own PhD project. Aleksej will invest this stipend in tools and equipment that will enable him to investigate the role of tRNAs in early embryogenesis.
This 3rd VDS Retreat took place in Traunkirchen, 11-13 June 2018. See all about the VDS Retreat 2018 here.

Elena (FEBS-Journal-sponsored Best Talk Prize), Aleksej (VDS Out of the Box Stipend) and Tanino (VDS Poster Prize). Lucy unfortunately missing in the picture (VDS Talk Prize)