Isabella MOLL
E-mail: isabella.moll(at)
Phone: 0043 1 4277 54606
Research Group:
Institution: Max Perutz Labs/UniWien
Full member of the DoktoratsKolleg (DK) RNA Biology since 2007.
Full member of the Focus Regulatory RNA (SFB RNA-REG) since 2011.
PhD students within/associated to the DK:
Tanino Albanese
Folke Ebert
Christian Müller
DK RNA Biology Alumni & their PhD theses:
Konstantin Byrgazov: “Interaction between ribosomal proteins S1 and S2: a novel target for antimicrobials semi-selective against Gram-negative bacteria”
Martina Sauert: “Modulation of the translational program mediated by the toxin MazF under diverse stress conditions in Escherichia coli”
Hannes Temmel: “Studies on the physiological function of the RNA-Ligase RtcB in Escherichia coli”
For complete list of group members please visit the Moll group website.
Our research:
One of the fundamental processes of life is the translation of mRNA-based information into proteins by the large ribonucleoprotein complex, the ribosome. Traditionally, the ribosome is viewed as a highly conserved machinery with an invariable rRNA and protein complement. Thus, it was not considered to have an intrinsic regulatory capacity, and the efficiency of translation was suggested to be determined either by features inherent to the mRNA or mediated by proteins or RNA regulators. In contrast to this perception, the Moll lab addresses diverse molecular mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in Bacteria with a special focus on ribosome heterogeneity.
Publications: (since 2011)
Leaderless mRNAs in the Spotlight: Ancient but Not Outdated!
Beck HJ, Moll I.
Microbiol Spectr. 2018 Jul;6(4).
Autoregulation of mazEF expression underlies growth heterogeneity in bacterial populations.
Nikolic N, Bergmiller T, Vandervelde A, Albanese TG, Gelens L, Moll I.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Apr 6;46(6):2918-2931.
Coordinated Control of mRNA and rRNA Processing Controls Embryonic Stem Cell Pluripotency and Differentiation.
Corsini NS, Peer AM, Moeseneder P, Roiuk M, Burkard TR, Theussl HC, Moll I, Knoblich JA.
Cell Stem Cell. 2018 Apr 5;22(4):543-558.e12.
MazF activation promotes translational heterogeneity of the grcA mRNA in Escherichia coli populations.
Nikolic N, Didara Z, Moll I.
PeerJ. 2017 Sep 21;5:e3830.
The RNA ligase RtcB reverses MazF-induced ribosome heterogeneity in Escherichia coli.
Temmel H, Müller C, Sauert M, Vesper O, Reiss A, Popow J, Martinez J, Moll I.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 May 5;45(8):4708-4721.
A Stress-Induced Bias in the Reading of the Genetic Code in Escherichia coli.
Oron-Gottesman A, Sauert M, Moll I, Engelberg-Kulka H.
MBio. 2016 Nov 15;7(6). pii: e01855-16.
The MazF-regulon: a toolbox for the post-transcriptional stress response in Escherichia coli.
Sauert M, Wolfinger MT, Vesper O, Müller C, Byrgazov K, Moll I.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Aug 19;44(14):6660-75.
Insights into the Stress Response Triggered by Kasugamycin in Escherichia coli.
Müller C, Sokol L, Vesper O, Sauert M, Moll I.
Antibiotics (Basel). 2016 Jun 1;5(2).
Escherichia coli Quorum-Sensing EDF, A Peptide Generated by Novel Multiple Distinct Mechanisms and Regulated by trans-Translation.
Kumar S, Kolodkin-Gal I, Vesper O, Alam N, Schueler-Furman O, Moll I, Engelberg-Kulka H.
MBio. 2016 Jan 26;7(1):e02034-15.
Heterogeneity of the translational machinery: Variations on a common theme.
Sauert M, Temmel H, Moll I.
Biochimie. 2015 Jul;114:39-47.
Structural basis for the interaction of protein S1 with the Escherichia coli ribosome.
Byrgazov K, Grishkovskaya I, Arenz S, Coudevylle N, Temmel H, Wilson DN, Djinovic-Carugo K, Moll I.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan;43(1):661-73.
Ribosome heterogeneity: another level of complexity in bacterial translation regulation.
Byrgazov K, Vesper O, Moll I.
Curr Opin Microbiol. 2013 Apr;16(2):133-9.
Selective translation during stress in Escherichia coli.
Moll I, Engelberg-Kulka H.
Trends Biochem Sci. 2012 Nov;37(11):493-8.
Direct interaction of the N-terminal domain of ribosomal protein S1 with protein S2 in Escherichia coli.
Byrgazov K, Manoharadas S, Kaberdina AC, Vesper O, Moll I.
PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e32702.
Selective translation of leaderless mRNAs by specialized ribosomes generated by MazF in Escherichia coli.
Vesper O, Amitai S, Belitsky M, Byrgazov K, Kaberdina AC, Engelberg-Kulka H, Moll I.
Cell. 2011 Sep 30;147(1):147-57.